• Mobile: (404) 777-1534
  • info@tek-palllc.com
  • Welcome to Tek-Pal

    We are a customer centrical group of technologists with an
    exhaustive accumulation of administrations.

  • With our across the board system and enlistment strategy we comprehend
    that our customers get their staffing

  • Enerprise
    Resourse Planning

    With over 10 years of experience helping businesses to find
    comprehensive solutions.

  • Document
    Management System

    DMS is a cloud based file Hosting software designed by TEK-PAL
    Technologies Inc Head quartered at Dublin CA.

Why Choosing Tek-Pal

We are a customer centrical group of technologists with an exhaustive accumulation of administrations. We make it our business to perceive your coveted course of bearing, the complexities of your


TEK-PAL vision is keep on struggling to wind up noticeably an essential arrangement based ICT organization with a vigorous accentuation



Hunger, in every one of us remedies the route in which we mien ourselves - with quality, with assurance and with an inspiration.



Giving quality and beneficial programming answers for our predominant customers in which we give the most best in class and quality items and administrations


Our Services

Are you ready to make the journey into the cloud?

Welcome to TEK-PAL

Tek-Pal , was begun in the year 2015, the group incorporates experts from various streams like Performance, Amalgamation and Progression. These are the three principle center of any business association or organization or for item improvement.


We make it our business to perceive your coveted course of bearing, the complexities of your profession, your business works on,


TEK-PAL , Technologies offers end-to-end PHP development solutions that are tailored to suit the requirements of your needs.

Are you ready to make the journey into the cloud?

Our Solutions


Mobile App Solutions

Extending solutions that connect businesses to their employees,


Cloud Computing

In today's challenging business environment, it is imperative that IT


Software Testing

Our approach to application testing enables IT to integrate On Demand

our partners

Over 7 years of experience we’ll ensure you get the best guidance.